IV Vitamin Therapy
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At Relive Health Brentwood, we recognize that looking youthful and feeling energetic are more than just aspirations; they’re key elements of a vibrant, fulfilling life. In an era where the demands of work, family, and everyday responsibilities seem to grow more intense with each passing day, it’s all too easy for our well-being to take a backseat. Stress, environmental factors, and natural aging processes can drain our energy and impact our appearance, leaving us feeling older than our years. This is why the pursuit of vitality and wellness has become more crucial than ever.

Enter NAD+ Therapy, a groundbreaking treatment that we proudly offer at Relive Health Brentwood. This therapy represents a new frontier in the quest for optimal health, providing a comprehensive approach to rejuvenating the body at a cellular level. NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a coenzyme found in all living cells that plays a vital role in the energy production and metabolic processes that keep our bodies functioning efficiently. As we age, levels of NAD+ naturally decline, leading to decreased energy, slower metabolism, and an increased susceptibility to various age-related health issues.

But what if there was a way to restore those NAD+ levels, effectively turning back the clock on the aging process? NAD+ Therapy does just that by replenishing this critical coenzyme, helping to repair cells, enhance brain function, boost metabolism, and improve overall energy levels. This therapy doesn’t just focus on superficial changes; it addresses the underlying causes of aging, promoting wellness from within.

Understanding NAD+: A Brief Overview

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or NAD+, is more than just a scientific term—it’s a fundamental coenzyme that plays a crucial role in keeping our bodies functioning at their best. Found in every single cell, NAD+ is a key player in several essential biological processes that sustain life and promote vitality. One of its primary roles is in the conversion of nutrients into energy. Through a complex series of chemical reactions, NAD+ helps convert the food we eat into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of our cells. This energy is what powers everything from basic cellular maintenance to more intensive tasks like muscle contraction and nerve signal transmission.

But NAD+’s responsibilities extend well beyond energy production. This coenzyme is also deeply involved in maintaining cellular health and longevity. It plays a critical role in DNA repair mechanisms, helping to fix the damage that occurs from environmental stressors like UV radiation and pollution, as well as from the natural wear and tear that comes with aging. Additionally, NAD+ influences gene expression, the process by which specific genes are activated to produce the proteins necessary for various bodily functions. These roles highlight NAD+ as a cornerstone of cellular health, helping to ensure that our cells operate efficiently and remain robust as we age.

At Relive Health Brentwood, we place great importance on the role of NAD+ in maintaining optimal health and well-being. By understanding how vital NAD+ is to our body’s core functions, we can better appreciate the transformative potential of NAD+ Therapy in promoting longevity and vitality.

NAD+ Therapy

The Science Behind NAD+ Therapy

NAD+ Therapy at Relive Health Brentwood is a revolutionary approach designed to counteract the natural decline of NAD+ levels that comes with aging. This decline is not just a minor dip; it significantly impacts cellular function, leading to decreased energy levels, slower metabolism, and an increased risk of age-related conditions such as cognitive decline, metabolic disorders, and even chronic illnesses. The decrease in NAD+ can also hinder the body’s ability to repair damaged DNA and maintain cellular health, accelerating the aging process.

NAD+ Therapy works by administering NAD+ directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) infusion. This method of delivery is particularly effective because it bypasses the digestive system, allowing NAD+ to be absorbed quickly and efficiently. Once in the bloodstream, NAD+ travels throughout the body, reaching the cells where it is most needed. This rapid absorption means that patients can start experiencing the benefits of NAD+ replenishment almost immediately.

By restoring NAD+ levels, this therapy aims to rejuvenate aging cells and enhance their capacity to repair and regenerate. The replenished NAD+ not only boosts energy production and metabolism but also supports the body’s natural DNA repair processes and optimizes cellular function. This comprehensive approach to cellular rejuvenation can help mitigate the effects of aging, improve overall vitality, and support a healthier, more active lifestyle.

NAD+ Therapy and Energy Metabolism

At Relive Health Brentwood, one of the most remarkable benefits of NAD+ Therapy is its profound impact on energy metabolism. To understand this, we need to take a closer look at the mitochondria, often referred to as the powerhouses of our cells. These tiny organelles are responsible for generating the energy that fuels virtually every function in our bodies. They accomplish this by converting nutrients from the food we eat into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary molecule used for energy transfer in cells.

NAD+ plays a critical role in this energy production process. It acts as a vital coenzyme that facilitates various chemical reactions within the mitochondria. When NAD+ levels are sufficient, these reactions occur efficiently, enabling the mitochondria to produce the optimal amount of ATP needed for the body’s energy demands. However, as we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, which can impair mitochondrial function. This decline often leads to reduced energy production and increased fatigue, making even simple daily activities feel more exhausting.

NAD+ Therapy helps counteract this decline by replenishing NAD+ levels, thereby restoring the mitochondria’s ability to function at their best. As a result, clients who undergo NAD+ Therapy at Relive Health Brentwood often report feeling a significant boost in energy levels. They experience less fatigue and more vitality, which can make a substantial difference in their daily lives. Whether it’s keeping up with a demanding job, engaging in physical activities, or simply enjoying time with family and friends, NAD+ Therapy empowers individuals to live life with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

Cognitive Benefits of NAD+ Therapy

At Relive Health Brentwood, we understand that cognitive health is an integral part of overall well-being. As we age, it’s common for cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and mental clarity to decline. However, NAD+ Therapy offers a promising solution for those looking to maintain and even enhance their cognitive abilities as they grow older.

NAD+ Therapy supports brain health in several ways. Firstly, NAD+ is essential for the production and function of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells in the brain. By boosting NAD+ levels, this therapy helps enhance neurotransmitter function, leading to improved communication between brain cells. This can result in better focus, sharper memory, and enhanced overall mental clarity.

Moreover, NAD+ Therapy helps protect the brain from oxidative stress, a major contributor to cognitive decline. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, leading to damage to cells, including neurons in the brain. NAD+ plays a crucial role in the body’s antioxidant defenses, helping to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative damage. By increasing NAD+ levels, NAD+ Therapy can bolster these defenses, thereby protecting the brain from the harmful effects of oxidative stress.

Emerging research also suggests that NAD+ Therapy may have protective benefits against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. These diseases are characterized by the progressive degeneration of neurons, leading to symptoms such as memory loss, impaired movement, and cognitive decline. Studies indicate that maintaining higher levels of NAD+ can help support neuronal health and function, potentially slowing the progression of these conditions. While more research is needed, these findings offer hope for a proactive approach to preserving cognitive function as we age.

NAD+ Therapy for Skin Health

At Relive Health Brentwood, we know that aging affects more than just how we feel; it also impacts how we look. As we age, our skin undergoes significant changes, often becoming thinner, less elastic, and more prone to wrinkles and age spots. These changes can be accelerated by external factors such as prolonged sun exposure, pollution, and stress, which contribute to oxidative damage and further compromise the skin’s integrity.

NAD+ plays a pivotal role in combating these effects and promoting healthy, youthful-looking skin. This coenzyme is integral to the processes of cellular repair and regeneration. When NAD+ levels are sufficient, the body’s cells, including skin cells, have a greater capacity to repair themselves and counteract the damage caused by environmental stressors. NAD+ helps to neutralize free radicals—unstable molecules that can damage cells and accelerate aging—thereby defending against oxidative stress and preserving the skin’s youthful appearance.

Moreover, NAD+ Therapy at Relive Health Brentwood can significantly enhance the production of collagen, a protein that is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. Collagen acts like a scaffold for the skin, providing structure and support. As we age, collagen production naturally declines, leading to sagging skin and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. By boosting NAD+ levels, our therapy promotes collagen synthesis, helping to restore the skin’s firmness and elasticity. This can result in a smoother, more radiant complexion, reducing the visible signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

Through NAD+ Therapy, we aim to help you achieve a healthier, more youthful appearance by supporting your skin’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate itself. Our clients often report that their skin looks more vibrant and feels more resilient, reflecting the inner vitality that NAD+ Therapy helps to restore.

NAD+ Therapy

Immune System Support with NAD+ Therapy

The immune system is our body’s frontline defense against infections, diseases, and various health challenges. However, as we age, our immune system’s efficiency can decline, making us more susceptible to illnesses and slower to recover from them. This decline, known as immunosenescence, is a natural part of aging but can be accelerated by factors such as chronic stress, poor nutrition, and exposure to environmental toxins.

NAD+ Therapy at Relive Health Brentwood offers a powerful way to support and enhance immune health as we age. NAD+ is crucial for the production and function of immune cells, including T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells, which are essential for identifying and destroying harmful pathogens. By replenishing NAD+ levels, our therapy helps to maintain the vitality and effectiveness of these immune cells, ensuring a more robust immune response to potential threats.

In addition to supporting immune cell function, NAD+ also plays a role in mitigating inflammation, a key factor in many age-related diseases. Chronic inflammation, often referred to as “inflammaging,” can lead to various health issues, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and arthritis. NAD+ helps to regulate inflammatory responses, reducing the risk of excessive inflammation and its associated damage. By modulating the body’s inflammatory pathways, NAD+ Therapy can help maintain a balanced immune system that is strong enough to fight off infections but controlled enough to avoid chronic inflammation.

At Relive Health Brentwood, our NAD+ Therapy is designed to enhance your body’s natural defenses and support overall health and longevity. By boosting your immune system’s capacity to protect against infections and reducing inflammation, NAD+ Therapy provides a comprehensive approach to maintaining health and well-being as you age. Whether you are looking to prevent illness or simply stay healthy and active, NAD+ Therapy can help you achieve a more resilient immune system, empowering you to live life to the fullest.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

At Relive Health Brentwood, we believe that true well-being encompasses not just physical health but also emotional and psychological wellness. The benefits of NAD+ Therapy extend beyond rejuvenating the body; they also significantly enhance mental health and emotional resilience. Modern life’s demands can often lead to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and even depression. While these conditions can be challenging, NAD+ Therapy offers a promising solution to help manage and alleviate their symptoms.

NAD+ plays a critical role in supporting neurotransmitter function and brain health. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the brain that regulate mood, anxiety, and stress levels. By replenishing NAD+ levels, NAD+ Therapy helps maintain the proper functioning of these neurotransmitters, promoting a balanced and positive mood. Additionally, NAD+ is involved in the production of serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters that are often referred to as the “feel-good” chemicals due to their influence on mood and emotional well-being. Enhancing the function of these neurotransmitters can lead to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and a greater sense of emotional stability.

Moreover, NAD+ Therapy helps reduce oxidative stress, which is a major contributing factor to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, leading to cellular damage. By mitigating oxidative stress, NAD+ Therapy can help protect brain cells and promote a healthier, more balanced emotional state. Many clients at Relive Health Brentwood report feeling more emotionally resilient, experiencing reduced stress levels, and having an overall improved sense of well-being after undergoing NAD+ Therapy.

Comparing NAD+ Therapy to Other Anti-Aging Treatments

When it comes to anti-aging treatments, there are numerous options available, each with its own set of benefits. At Relive Health Brentwood, we offer a variety of treatments to help clients look and feel younger. However, NAD+ Therapy stands out due to its unique and comprehensive benefits that go beyond superficial improvements.

Unlike treatments that primarily focus on enhancing external appearance, such as Botox or dermal fillers, NAD+ Therapy addresses aging at the cellular level. This means it works from the inside out, promoting overall health and vitality rather than just targeting specific signs of aging. By replenishing NAD+ levels, this therapy enhances mitochondrial function, supports DNA repair, boosts energy metabolism, and improves cognitive function. These benefits contribute to a more youthful, energetic, and mentally sharp state, which can have a profound impact on how you feel as you age.

While some clients may choose to combine NAD+ Therapy with other treatments like Botox or dermal fillers to achieve a more comprehensive anti-aging effect, it is essential to recognize the unique, foundational benefits that NAD+ provides. NAD+ Therapy is not just about looking younger; it’s about supporting cellular longevity and function, ensuring that your body and mind remain healthy and vibrant as you age. At Relive Health Brentwood, we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their best selves, and NAD+ Therapy is a key component of that mission.

Safety and Side Effects of NAD+ Therapy

At Relive Health Brentwood, the safety and well-being of our clients are our top priorities. NAD+ Therapy is generally considered to be safe and well-tolerated by most individuals. However, as with any medical treatment, there can be some side effects, although they are typically mild and temporary.

During the NAD+ infusion, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea, headache, or flushing. These symptoms are usually short-lived and resolve quickly once the infusion is complete. Our experienced medical team closely monitors all clients during the treatment to ensure their comfort and safety.

Before starting NAD+ Therapy, we conduct thorough consultations to assess each client’s overall health and determine if this therapy is appropriate for them. This includes reviewing any pre-existing medical conditions and current medications to avoid potential interactions or complications. Our goal is to provide personalized care that meets the unique needs of each client while minimizing any risks associated with treatment.

NAD+ Therapy

Who Can Benefit from NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ Therapy at Relive Health Brentwood is a versatile treatment that offers a wide array of benefits, making it suitable for a broad spectrum of individuals, each with unique health goals and needs. Whether you are an athlete striving for peak physical performance, a busy professional aiming to maintain mental clarity, or simply someone who wants to counteract the effects of aging, NAD+ Therapy can be an invaluable tool in your wellness arsenal.

For athletes, NAD+ Therapy can be particularly advantageous. The demands of rigorous training and competition can lead to significant oxidative stress and cellular wear and tear. NAD+ plays a crucial role in energy metabolism, supporting mitochondrial function, and enhancing muscle recovery. By boosting NAD+ levels, athletes can experience improved endurance, faster recovery times, and reduced fatigue, allowing them to train harder and perform at their best.

Executives and professionals who operate in high-stress environments can also greatly benefit from NAD+ Therapy. Cognitive function, including memory, focus, and mental clarity, is critical for maintaining productivity and making sound decisions. As NAD+ levels naturally decline with age, these cognitive functions can suffer, leading to decreased performance and increased stress. NAD+ Therapy helps replenish these levels, supporting brain health and enhancing cognitive sharpness, allowing professionals to stay sharp and focused even under pressure.

For those looking to combat the effects of aging, NAD+ Therapy offers a comprehensive approach to maintaining youthfulness and vitality. Aging impacts every cell in the body, leading to a decline in energy, slower metabolism, and a decrease in overall health. NAD+ Therapy addresses these issues at the cellular level, promoting DNA repair, reducing inflammation, and enhancing the body’s natural ability to regenerate and heal. This results in improved energy levels, better skin health, and a more robust immune system, helping individuals feel younger and more vibrant..


1. What is NAD+ Therapy, and how does it work?

NAD+ Therapy involves administering Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a vital coenzyme, directly into your bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) infusion. NAD+ is crucial for various biological processes, including energy production, DNA repair, and cellular health. As we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, impacting our energy, cognitive function, and overall health. By replenishing NAD+ levels, this therapy helps restore cellular function, boost energy, enhance cognitive clarity, and improve overall well-being. The therapy is designed to rejuvenate the body from the inside out, supporting both physical and mental health.

2. Who can benefit from NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ Therapy is suitable for a diverse range of individuals. Athletes can benefit from improved energy and faster recovery, enhancing their performance and endurance. Busy professionals and executives can experience enhanced cognitive function, better focus, and reduced stress. Additionally, those looking to combat the effects of aging can see improvements in energy levels, skin health, and overall vitality. Whether you’re seeking to maintain peak performance, support mental clarity, or rejuvenate your body as you age, NAD+ Therapy can be tailored to meet your specific health goals.

3. Are there any side effects or risks associated with NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ Therapy is generally considered safe and well-tolerated by most individuals. However, as with any medical treatment, there can be mild side effects. Some clients may experience temporary symptoms such as nausea, headache, or flushing during the infusion. These effects are typically short-lived and resolve quickly. At Relive Health Brentwood, we prioritize client safety and conduct thorough consultations to determine if NAD+ Therapy is appropriate for you, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions or are on other medications. Our medical team ensures that any potential risks are managed effectively to provide a safe and beneficial treatment experience.


NAD+ Therapy at Relive Health Brentwood represents a breakthrough in anti-aging and wellness, offering numerous benefits that extend beyond mere aesthetics. By restoring cellular health, boosting energy levels, and supporting cognitive and emotional well-being, NAD+ Therapy provides a comprehensive approach to aging gracefully. For those ready to embrace a scientifically-backed strategy for enhancing their health and vitality, NAD+ Therapy at Relive Health Brentwood offers a compelling solution.

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